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Current position:Home - Case - Industrial construction
Anhui Huainan Luoneng Power Generation Co., Ltd. added dry coal shed grid project
Release time:2020-04-02 10:30:30      The number of clicks:346

The structure of the project is a bolt-and-socket double-layer grid with square pyramid gates, partial three-layer structure, supported on opposite ends of the upper chord. The bearings are fixed in both directions. The lateral span between the bearings is 114m and the longitudinal spacing between the bearings It is 8m, the thickness of the grid is 2.986m, and the total length of the grid is 160m. The ground elevation of this project is ± 0.000m, the base elevation of the support is ﹢ 2.100m, the grid height is 36.6m, and the truss top elevation is ﹢ 43.007m.


Cases of interest
Previous:Shanxi Hongan Coking Technology Co., Ltd. coal yard closed shed grid project
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